These are the people the Lord has called to serve as
Elders and Deacons
 Blanchard Community Church.
                   They Love the Lord,
     are Service Oriented,
  and Love Our Community!
 Pastor David Wolff Image Pastor David Wolff


Pastor David brought his lovely wife Robyn, who has been an inspiration and has a heart for children. She hopes to start a summer program for kids.
     Pastor David will be at the church in his office on Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10:00 am.-4:00 pm.
To visit him in his office there is a door bell by the lower parking lot door.  Just ring the bell and he will meet you at the door,
Cell: (406) 471-7008
He has Worship Service at 10:45am on Sunday. He also teaches
Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6:00pm
We also has the church service on YouTube every Sunday evening from that mornings service.
Type in : Blanchard Community

Secretary - Peggie Freshman


"Peggie's Office Hours are"
 Thursday from 10:00am to 3:00pm in the church office.
Peggie is a Loving and Caring Lady who is always ready to help
and serve in anyway.
Church Office: (208) 437-2970

Elder:Board Officer/Chairman - Steve Landrus

Deacon: Vice Chair and Treasurer - Doug Steiner

Deacon: Board Officer/Secretary and on Missions - Don Graves

Deacon and on Missions Board - Jim Freshman